The Story Of Wallace And Vivian
Imprisoned in lack of prospects
Lost in a painful world
She didn't know where to turn to
Circling and struggling in a scarab blue swirl
But where darkness reigns light isn't far away
and waits for the moment to cut across
And there he came at the right point in time
Circling and struggling foreclosing the loss
It's true love, true faith once it began
The story of Wallace and Vivian
One mind, one kind over and over again
The story of Wallace and Vivian
So the years passing by and the band tightens
Both of them looking gladly ahead
Come what may
It's true love, true faith once it began
The story of Wallace and Vivian
One mind, one kind over and over again
The story of Wallace and Vivian
Lost in a painful world
She didn't know where to turn to
Circling and struggling in a scarab blue swirl
But where darkness reigns light isn't far away
and waits for the moment to cut across
And there he came at the right point in time
Circling and struggling foreclosing the loss
It's true love, true faith once it began
The story of Wallace and Vivian
One mind, one kind over and over again
The story of Wallace and Vivian
So the years passing by and the band tightens
Both of them looking gladly ahead
Come what may
It's true love, true faith once it began
The story of Wallace and Vivian
One mind, one kind over and over again
The story of Wallace and Vivian
Ronnie Pilgrim - 25. Jun, 12:11